casual single player
  • File Size:

    12 MB

  • Updated Date:

    May 31, 2023

  • Version:


  • Developer:

    Lowtech Studios

  • File Size:

    26.1 MB

  • Updated Date:

    Mar 19, 2022

  • Version:


  • Developer:

    Lowtech Studios


In the vast landscape of online gaming, there exists a realm where the simple joy of maneuvering a colorful serpent across a digital terrain captures the hearts of millions. Welcome to, where the age-old game of Snake gets a multiplayer twist, igniting competitive spirits and fostering strategic thinking in players of all ages. emerged in 2016 as a web-based multiplayer game developed by Steve Howse, instantly capturing the attention of casual and hardcore gamers alike. Its premise is deceptively simple: control a snake-like creature and consume multicolored pellets scattered throughout the arena to grow longer. However, amidst this straightforward gameplay lies a realm of cutthroat competition and intricate strategies.

What sets apart from its predecessors and contemporaries is its accessibility and addictive nature.  Its minimalist design and easy-to-understand mechanics attract a diverse player base, ranging from seasoned gamers seeking a quick fix to newcomers discovering the joys of online multiplayer.

The gameplay of revolves around navigating your serpent across the playing field, gobbling up pellets to increase your length while avoiding collisions with other players' snakes. The longer you grow, the more formidable you become, but with increased size comes greater vulnerability. One wrong move can spell disaster, as defeated snakes leave behind a trail of glowing pellets ripe for the taking by surviving players.

Master the art of maneuvering: Precision control is key to survival in Practice weaving through the crowds of serpents with finesse, utilizing sharp turns and sudden accelerations to outmaneuver your opponents.

Use the terrain to your advantage: The edges of the arena can serve as both a refuge and a trap. Use them to corner your opponents or escape tight situations, but beware of becoming trapped yourself.

Play defensively: While aggression has its merits, a cautious approach can often yield better results. Avoid head-on collisions with larger snakes, instead opting to circle around and wait for the opportune moment to strike.

Timing is everything: Patience pays off in Wait for your opponents to make mistakes or overextend themselves before swooping in to claim the spoils.

Size isn't everything: Even the smallest snake can emerge victorious with cunning and skill. Don't be discouraged by larger adversaries; bide your time, and strike when the moment is right.

In the ever-evolving landscape of online gaming, stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of simplicity and strategy. Its addictive gameplay mechanics and competitive spirit continue to captivate players around the world, fostering a community united by a shared love for the thrill of the slithering chase. So, whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the fray, dive into the world of and discover the joys of snake supremacy.
